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Cosul este gol.
SC METAMOB SRL (hereinafter referred to as "Metamob" or "the Company" or "we"), with its legal headquarters in Satu Mare city, Aurel Vlaicu street no.74, Satu Mare county, fiscal code 6594115, commits to maintaining the confidentiality of al...
SC METAMOB SRL (numita in continuare „Metamob” sau „Compania” sau „noi”) cu sediul legal in municipiul Satu Mare, strada Aurel Vlaicu nr.74, judetul Satu Mare, cod fiscal 6594115, se angajeaza sa pastreze confidentialitatea tutur...
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In the field of bandsaw blades and sawmill blades we currently have the largest multi-dimensional offer from Europe. We also deal with the trading of circular plated and unplated blades, jointer knives, grinding stones, diamond discs, and other accessories.
Our company offers professional and high quality services for band saw blade maintenance: welding, levelling, tensioning or swaging, saw setting, spring setting, sharpening and stellite-tipping.
METAMOB was founded in 1994 in order to meet the demand for wood working tools by delivering its products on the market.
Benching center for levelling, tensioning and straightening of band saws in one single clamping
Starting with the 3rd of October 2016, you can find us at on Aurel Vlaicu street,102-106, Satu Mare.
We have joined with 500 participants, that came from 22 countries, wishing to create new relationships.
Relying on the slogan “Plant a tree for your own health”, we encourage everyone to actively engage in afforestation activities.
In our attempts to keep up with everything that happens in the woodworking industry, we try to take part in as many national and international events as possible.
Adress: 440122, Satu Mare, Aurel Vlaicu 102-106, Romania
Phone: +40-261-711511
Email: metamob@metamob.ro